法国电信Orange"Innovation Contest 4CSRtech"创新大赛项目招募

time : 2019-06-18 08:56       作者:星欧娱乐

Innovation Contest 4CSRtech 

在联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)的激励和启发下,法国电信Orange、法国驻香港总领事馆和香港科技大学联合举办“Innovation Contest 4CSRtech”创新大赛,旨在寻找应对可持续发展挑战的创新方案,探索新的价值创造模式,尤其是赋予每个人推动变革的能力。

Inspirited by UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Orange, Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and HKUST are organizing together “Innovation Contest 4CSRtech”, aiming to identify innovative solutions for sustainable challenges in the fast changing world, explore new value creation business model, and more importantly empower everyone to drive the change.


The contest calls on entrepreneurs, social innovators, students, designers, makers, and educators etc. to propose product/solution to solve challenge from the following five categories: Social Labour, Health & Safety, Environment Management, Business Ethics and Capability Building.

这些想法包括但不限于 :




Ideas include but are not limited to:

·Innovations that could reduce CSR risks, address new challenges such as circular economy, increase factory compliance capacity, transparency and accountability

·Initiatives that promote information collection, systematic management, prevention and control of CSR risks in the supply chain

·Solutions to improve factory and employees’ CSR capability via new technologies (AI, Cloud, Big data, Robotic, VR etc.), new ways of open platform collaboration (social dialogue, good practice sharing, etc.)   




期待大家来推动世界的变革 !

Each winner team will receive HKD 20,000 award and demo at international events.

Online application is open at https://www.eventbank.cn/event/16765/.

Online application deadline is September 15th 2018.

Contest Day will be held in Hong Kong on November 3rd 2018.

We are looking forward to your ideas for changing the world.